Whispering Heart Healing

Discover Your Path to Energy Healing

…. with the holistic health solution you’ve been searching for ….

Clearing mental, physical and spiritual imbalances and blocks in the body which affect your life goals, abundance and physical wellbeing.

Welcome to Whispering Heart Healing

I’m Judy K Bishop, a certified Emotion Code, Body Code and Belief Code Practitioner. I’ve studied energy healing through many channels. I am also certified by the Rhys Thomas Institute.

My love of nature and energy healing led me to Hawaii where I lived for almost 20 years. The beauty and culture of Hawaii enhanced my desire to help others heal and experience better lives through energy healing. I’m now based in Oklahoma with my cat and dog near family, which includes my two grandsons.

Whispering Heart Healing is available wherever you are, through distance healing. I’ve also kept the sessions deliberately affordable so I can help more people.

A session may utilize one, two or all three of the modalities (Emotion Code, Body Code, Belief Code), depending on the issue being addressed.

Energy Healing is the doorway to a healthier, happier, balanced life. It works well with animals, too, to improve their lives and wellbeing. Allow me to guide you on your journey to creating positive changes in your life.

Whispering Heart Healing Services

The Emotion Code

Emotional baggage and trapped emotions are harmful energies from negative past events which are trapped in the body. These trapped emotions and Heart-Walls can cause a variety of physical and emotional issues that hinder the body’s ability to heal itself. They create blocks to achieving goals and moving forward in your life, often leaving you feeling stuck.

The Emotion Code is a technique to remove these trapped emotions and blocks, thus enabling the body to better heal itself and bring more happiness and fulfillment into your life.

The Emotion Code  can also help animals as they also have trapped emotions that affect their well being.

The Body Code

The Body Code is an energy balancing system which helps uncover root causes of discomfort, sickness and suffering in the body and spirit. Imbalances in 6 key areas of the body can be identified: emotional, energetic, nutritional, structural, pathogens and toxicity. Releasing energetic imbalances enhances the body’s innate self-healing ability to help resolve mental, emotional, spiritual and physical discomfort. The Body Code can also help animals with imbalances and issues in order to enhance their body’s self-healing ability.

The Body Code technique does not diagnose a condition or disease and is not meant to replace any medical treatment.

The Belief Code

The Belief Code traces subconscious negative belief systems to their core and releases them, creating space for positive empowering beliefs. There are four layers to a belief system: negative beliefs, limiting beliefs, faulty core beliefs and faulty core identity, integrated into 5 types of belief systems.

Through mind-mapping technology, the subconscious leads the practitioner to unwanted beliefs, patterns of failure, self-sabotage and issues around self-worth, as well as other areas that need addressing, and releases them.

Animals have belief systems too, although much less sophisticated than humans, but The Belief Code can help them as well.

What my clients are saying

  • I found Judy Bishop's healing techniques to be amazing! First of all, she was able to identify exact years for the sources of my issues, and Judy doesn't know the details of my life, so there is no way she could have known those otherwise. Most of my issues have disappeared completely after my sessions with her. I do have a couple of physical issues that have been greatly ameliorated by our work together, and they continue to improve as I work with Judy. I have recommended her to all my friends, who contacted me afterwards, commenting on how wonderful Judy's sessions were. She is kind and understanding and someone you can trust. Judy even "spoke" to my cat, who was a feral, with whom I wanted to cuddle, and now my wild kitty can't stop cuddling with me! I am so happy! Thank you, Judy!
    Andrea Foster, Oklahoma

  • By releasing trapped emotions and correcting imbalances in my body, mind and spirit, I am now able to live a more healthy, joyful, balanced life. I’m very blessed to have met Judy and to have her working in my life.
    Brenda Kuriatnyk, Las Vegas

  • I have been working with Judy Bishop since June 2024, I have Sjogren's Disease and it affects many body parts.

    Since we began this journey of healing, I am amazed at how it has helped. My tear ducts have not worked for 20 years, not often but I have actually been able to produce tears. I have had hemorrhoids since I was 18 years old; they have shrunk. I also have hearing aids and tinnitus, and both of these have also improved.  My doctors are amazed and ask ‘what have you been doing?’ I tell them a person I know does the Emotion / Body / Belief codes which have helped tremendously. (They don't believe me). I believe, and I guess that is all that matters.

    Thank you, Judy, you are a Godsend and Earth Angel!
    Debbie Nourse, Middleboro, MA

  • Working with Judy on the Body, Belief and Emotion Codes has been a revelation. We’ve unearthed patterns and underpinnings that even I didn’t know were there. The healing that’s come from clearing these underlying trapped emotions has been radical and fast. Judy’s incredibly patient and intuitive, and keeps at it till we both know we’ve hit the crux of the issue. I’m so glad to have found Judy and the Codes, as I know I really couldn’t have reached this stage on my own. Thanks, Judy!
    Jill Marshall, New Zealand

  • I have a Rescue French Bulldog who has been through HELL. He was in a crate for 3 years in a drug house. When they found out he didn't have papers and could not be bred for money, they no longer cared. He was beaten, thrown downstairs, or left alone with no food or water for days. To say the least, he was traumatized. I had him for a year, and though very loving he was afraid to go outside or down outside stairs and was still not housebroken. As I was already seeing results for myself with Judy, I asked if she could help him. After many sessions, Alexander has worked through a lot of his trauma. He’s now housebroken, can easily maneuver stairs outside, and comes when I call as he’s no longer afraid that he’ll get beaten. He also plays with my other 2 dogs, (their annoying little brother!). Judy is still working with him on issues like the way the poor guy jumps and shakes when he hears the click of a collar. No idea what they did to him to cause that, but Judy will find out and I am sure help him through it.
    Debbie Nourse, Middleboro, MA

Book a session

Use the form here or email me at: judykbishop44@gmail.com

Hours are M-F, 10a - 6p CT but we’ll work around your timezone and schedule.

Sessions are on Zoom - Sessions could consist of a single program (Emotion Code, Body Code, Belief Code) or a combination of two or all three, depending on the issue being addressed.

Session price: $65 (approximately 45 minutes) - paid in advance. Payments via:
PayPal - judyb2033@gmail.com
Venmo - @Judy-Bishop-5

Client Agreement Form must be signed and returned before the first session. You can also note details of what you’d like to address.
Print The Client Agreement Form, sign, take a photo of the signed form and email to:

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